Therapy for Moms

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Parenting in today's social climate can be taxing and confusing. It's constant messages of how things 'should' be done and why what you are doing is wrong. 

Mom guilt is constant efforts to be a 'good mom' and always feeling like you're falling short. Guilt is an important human experience that keeps us in-line with our value system. However, too much guilt can diminish your self-confidence and life satisfaction; and interfere with your relationships with family and friends

Common types of 'mom guilt' include:

  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Differing parenting styles
  • Feeling bored or wanting time away
  • Perceived criticism from family members and pediatrician
  • Work hours
  • Striving to be Super Mom
  • Taking time to engage in a healthful lifestyle
  • Breastfeeding or formula feeding
  • Too much screen time

If one or more of the above experiences resonates with you, I invite you to contact me today for a free consultation. Together, we’ll find the underlying issues that make you feel inadequate and create a strategy for moving forward. Contact me today to see how I can help.