Therapy for Healthcare Workers

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Vicarious Trauma. Compassion Fatigue. Burnout. PTSD. 

These are a few of the many possible mental health issues that can rear their ugly heads for healthcare workers. With the traumatic events of COVID-19 and the pandemic, first responders were at the frontlines of curbing the spread and saving lives of our population's most vulnerable. All the while, they did it at max capacity, with limited resources, and no support. 

Mental health stigmas are plentiful in the field of healthcare. There are many reasons a healthcare worker will not seek out support for mental health struggles, including shame, guilt, overwhelm, disconnect, and fear. Heard of horizontal violence? Hostile behavior is most prevalent in nurse-to-nurse interactions with 65 to 80 percent of nurses reporting they have either experienced or witnessed it. 

Do you recognize these?

  • Making snide, belittling, or sarcastic comments
  • Public humiliation
  • Gossip
  • Isolating a colleague from a group
  • Ignoring or avoiding 
  • Patronizing or condescending language
  • Undermining personal values and beliefs
  • Mocking
  • Passive-aggressive behavior
  • Harassment
  • Intimidation

If so, let me be of service to you...

I want to teach you how to get back in touch with the reason why you chose to pursue this life of healing: the human element. I want to guide you on how to reconnect with your love and compassion for quality of life and to internalize it so you can sustain your gifts of healing while still living. I want to help you learn how to make peace with self-love as a necessity, not a luxury; to learn comfort and safety in boundaries; to reconnect with your body, needs, and emotions so you can improve your quality of life and relationships. I want you to know you don’t need to keep sacrificing until it’s too late to take it back.

Concerned about your variable schedule? Reach out to me; let's try to find a way to work around your inconsistent work schedule.